Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Name is Jonathan and I'm a Goblin Warrior

I've been playing World of Warcraft off and on now for going on 4 years. 
I don't have the actual start date right here in front of me but I know that's pretty close.

My first character was a Troll Shaman name Rexplode. I named him after one of my favorite comic book characters (Robert Kirkman's Rex-Splode, my misspelling) and I leveled furiously to try and get to the max level which was 60 at the time. 

I played Rex for what seems like years, through the end of The Burning Crusade which was the first expansion for WoW. I healed for the most part and dealt damage(dps'd) when I was allowed to but I was never really very good at the actual theory or math behind the game. I mashed buttons and things didn't die (healing) or they did die (dps). 

At the end of the expansion, just a little while before The Wrath of the Lich King, I started to learn to tank.

Tanking usually involves rounding up all of the enemies and convincing them to hit you instead of your friends and that's a play style that really appealed to me.

I dug right in to the mechanics, I read helpful websites like Elitist Jerks and Tankspot and I ran any instance got a chance to as the tank. I got really good, really quickly, and next thing you know I was the main tank of the guild I had been in since the beginning. 

I'm going to fast forward ahead to now because this is getting a big long but I'll be happy to run through my experiences in more detail in future posts. I want to get the point so you'll know what to expect from this blog in the future.

Currently I'm in a guild called Reign , I play a Goblin Warrior named Slugfest and we raid 2 nights a week on average. We've been pretty successful considering our time invested, we've got 3 bosses down on hard mode and the rest easily defeated on normal. I'm proud to say that we killed Ragnaros, the final boss in The Firelands, a week before he was weakened significantly (nerfed). 

I'm one of 2 Main Tanks for the 10 man group and I have a lot of fun killing digital monsters with these folks. I've gotten to know all of them well and my goal on this site is to share with you guys, whether you play WoW or not, some of the good and bad times I share with these friends. 

I hope you'll have fun reading along as we work on hard mode bosses in The Firelands but I'm really excited about the new raid, The Dragon Soul, that's set to come out in the next month or so. 

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