Sunday, November 6, 2011

11/3 - Firelands Clean-up

We only had 3 bosses left to down on Thursday.

Majordomo Staghelm

The plan was to get in at 9:00 PM and work on Baleroc Heroic til 11:00 PM when we'd blast through Majordomo Heroic and Ragnaros Regular. 

Unfortunately the other tank, Lexxor , had some real life problems that had to be dealt with and we didn't actually get started until 10:00 PM. We still got in some solid attempts on Baleroc Heroic but there just wasn't enough time or energy to put towards him that night and we ended up steamrolling him on regular mode. 

I'm going to gripe for just a minute about the Tank Shield that Baleroc supposedly drops. Shard of Torment is the only shield available to me in The Firelands and out group hasn't seen it drop even 1 time in all of the months that we have had Baleroc on farm status (easily killable). I understand that Blizzard doesn't want a relatively narrowly useful item like this to drop all the time and I also understand that random loot if random but this is getting ridiculous!

Majordomo and Ragnaros went down without a struggle and we were done for the night.

Patch 4.3 is now on the background downloaders so that means we are less than 2 weeks out from the next raid and for me it can't get here quick enough. I am excited to be able to share our group's experience plowing through normal modes of The Dragon Soul with everyone who reads this blog and I'm hoping it will be infinitely more interesting than what I've had to say so far. 

Thanks for reading and, as always, you can find my on twitter @rexplode to share any thoughts, questions or comments. Please pass the site on to anyone you think may be interested in it!

1 comment:

  1. How far have y'all gotten? I haven't even checked into LBOC since I quit :-(
