Fauntleroy the duck practically shook with anger, frustration and hunger. It was a testament to just how packed with these emotions he was that they were still visible from behind him where Clarence and Ferdinand watched in horror. "How can you serve sandwiches without even a gherkin available?" Fauntleroy questioned the terrified and trembling Sloth.
"I'm very sorry sir, Arby's is a franchised restaurant and we can only carry the foods that the parent corporation supplies us with. If there is anything at all that I can offer you from our variety of products please let me know!". Clarence was surprised at how smoothly and eloquently Matthias the Sloth handled the feathered powder keg. Clearly this was not the first case of pickle rage that Arby's lack of crunchy dill treats had resulted in.
"Very well Mr. Sloth, I am very sorry to have raised my voice. If you will provide me with a chocolate turnover free of charge then I will be happy to forget about your company's reprehensible bias against pickles and be on my way." Fauntleroy the duck looked expectantly at Matthias who suddenly broke out in a sheen of sweat all over his furred forehead. "I'm very sorry sir, it's just..." "Spit it out you imbecilic arboreal nincompoop!" Fauntleroy interrupted him, clearly beginning to lose patience with the apologetic three-toed leaf-eater. "We're all out of chocolate turnovers sir, I'm afraid I sold the last one to the customer just before you. Maybe he'd be w."
Two explosions in quick succession rang out, interrupting the cashier in mid-sentence, before the occupants of the fast food establishment could comprehend what had happened. Clarence's mind spun as he tried to connect the disturbing sounds with a memory he knew was hidden in the depths of his consciousness. Before he could find the long lost experience his eyes locked onto the answer. A double barreled shotgun smoking, a horrible mess behind the counter and a wild-eyed Fauntleroy the duck who was slowly aiming the firearm at Clarence's best friend.
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